Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meet the Girls

Right now I have a total of nine hens, one Banty Rooster (orneriness think you will ever meet), and five guineas hens. They are all laying and I am being over runned
 with eggs. It crazy! I thought I would share some pictures of my girls. Chickens are extremely easy to raise. They need a coop, roosts, and a chicken run. I put straw in my run and coops. It really helps with smell if you pile it high. They will turn it and compost it for you. They are all really friendly and come running when I get home from work. I usually free range mine all day while I'm gone. It makes for better eggs and happy chickens.

This is three of our guineas and our two California Whites. Our white chickens are the friendliest birds you will ever meet. My daughters pick them up and carry them around all the time.

This is the Banty Rooster I was talking about. He thinks he's the boss. He comes after me but he doesn't do any damage. He just thinks he bad. We call it "Little Man Syndrome".

Here's the whole flock put up for the night. They usually will wander in on their own at a certain time every night by themselves and put their selves to sleep. Usually I put them up earlier and entice them in with some scratch. If you are starting your own farm and want to keep animals, I recommend chickens for a start. They are easy to take care of and they can be friendly. They also provide us with tons of eggs. I'm still on the fence if I am going to butcher any of them. I have been researching information on how to do it humanely. Time will tell. 

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